ARTISTS AT WORK (AAW) is produced and administered by THE OFFICE performing arts + film with generous support from the Mellon Foundation.

ARTIST AT WORK is also supported by the Hearthland Foundation, Fresh Sound Foundation, and the WLS Spencer Foundation.

AAW in Indianapolis, IN is made possible by the support of Herbert Simon Family Foundation.

AAW in Springfield, MA is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts and also made possible by support from The Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation and Baystate Health.

Support of previous AAW programs has included The Lyndhurst Foundation, The John L. Santikos Charitable Foundation Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation, and others.

ARTISTS AT WORK is grateful to each of our supporters and funders whose contributions have been vital to the launch and expansion of our program. We are steadfast in our commitment to providing support to and meeting the needs of today’s artists who are both navigating a difficult gig economy and being called upon to address civic and community needs.

If you are interested in donating to ARTISTS AT WORK, please reach out via our contact form. Thank you.